What should go into a preschool or primary school bag? 

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The start of the new school year is fast approaching, and you’re probably wondering what to pack in your child’s school bag for preschool or primary school. Preparing their school bag properly is essential for a comfortable, well-organised day.  

So what should you put in your little ones’ school bags? Petit-Fernand explains it all in this practical guide.  

What should you pack in their preschool backpack?

The new school year is an exciting time for toddlers, and preparing their first preschool bag is a crucial step. But what should you include in the backpack they will take with them on their educational adventure?  

  • 1. The cuddly toy: everyone needs a bit of comfort, so remember to include your child’s favourite cuddly toy or any other comforting object they like to have with them on a daily basis. This will help them to feel secure and adapt more readily to their new environment. 
  • 2. A change of clothes: minor accidents can happen, so it’s important to pack a change of clothes in their preschool backpack. Include underwear, socks, trousers or a skirt and a change of top. Make sure you also slip in a small resealable pouch for dirty clothes. 
  • 3. The snack box: mornings at preschool can be tiring, so it’s important to pack a snack box in your child’s school bag. Opt for healthy, balanced foods like chopped fruit, crunchy vegetables, wholemeal biscuits or cereal bars. And remember to slip in a small child’s water bottle to keep them hydrated. 
  • 4. A pack of tissues: some schools ask parents for a box of tissues to build up a collective stock.  
  • 5. Shoes or slippers: for motor skills activities, think about popping in a pair of little slippers that are easy to put on. To avoid muddles and swaps, don’t forget our left-right shoe labels.  

Some schools use communication notebooks for exchanges between parents and teachers. Check if this is required and add it to your child’s bag. This will keep you up-to-date about activities, homework and important messages. Don’t forget to personalise the school bag with your child’s name to avoid confusion. 

schoolbag tags

What should go in a primary school bag?

personalised pencil case
  • The all-important pencil case: the pencil case is one of the essential items needed in a school bag. Be sure to include coloured pencils, washable markers, crayons and child-sized scissors. Don’t forget to add age-appropriate erasers and sharpeners. 
  • Notebooks and binders: make sure you have notebooks for different subjects, including general notebooks, maths notebooks, science notebooks, etc. You’ll also need binders for organising course sheets, homework and practical work. 
  • A lunchbox and a water bottle: a school day can be tiring, so remember to include a lunchbox containing healthy, balanced food, as well as a child’s water bottle to keep them hydrated. Encourage your child to choose fruit, vegetables or nutritious snacks to recharge their batteries. 
  • Geometry set: if your child is in primary school, they will probably be working with geometric shapes. So be sure to include a square, compass, ruler and protractor in your child’s school bag. 

And remember to check the school bag regularly to reorganise it and keep it in order. Encourage your child to be responsible for their belongings and to develop good organisational habits.  

With a well-equipped school bag, your child will be ready to embark on a school year full of success and fulfilment!