Dinosaur masks

DIY for kids
20 mn--5 Steps

Your little adventurer has decided to be a T-Rex for Carnaval this year? Do your own dino mask to celebrate Mardi-Gras Jurassic Park style!

Fancy a quick and handmade dinosaur mask for Carnaval? Follow our step by step and impress your friends!

For this DIY you will need:

  • our template (free download below)
  • a thick sheet of white paper size A4
  • an elastic band
  • a pair of scissors
  • a box cutter
Fancy a quick and handmade dinosaur mask for Carnaval? Follow our step by step and impress your friends!

Fancy a quick and handmade dinosaur mask for Carnaval? Follow our step by step and impress your friends!

All our ideas of DIYs on our blog. Stay in the dinosaur theme, discover our DIY dinosaur birthday party invitations.

You want more ideas for Mardi Gras? Choose between our DIY unicorn costume and super-hero mask!

It was our Wednesday DIY !